We provide stability verification calculations according to the harmonised standards of ISO 12217. The Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) requires the manufacturer to demonstrate compliance with stability requirements by means of calculations or tests.
How we work
We evaluate the type of calculations or tests required depending on the products of our client.
- We create an overview of tests and the necessary requirements. This overview helps to prepare the manufacturer for an inspection by the notified body (when required).
- When calculations are required, we provide a list of necessary information (e.g. main dimensions, weight calculations/measurements including centre of gravities, tank plan, sail plan, etc.).
In-house software
For stability calculations we use the following in-house software:
- Delftship software
- Spreadsheets
We have the possibilities to model hulls from lines plans or to import digital models from designers.
We report calculation results in a way that allows the notified body to perform an efficient inspection. In most cases, inspection bureaus assess our technical documentation without comment or the need for further calculations.
It is our aim to support the yacht building industry in an efficient way, while always keeping quality in mind.
Please contact us to discuss our structural design services more in detail.
Jelmer Wijma
Contact Details
The Netherlands
VAT nr. NL002064132B34
Chambre of Commerce Nr. 37141529
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