We provide structural verification calculations according to the harmonised standards of ISO 12215 or other acceptable scantling methods. The Recreational Craft Directive (RCD) requires the manufacturer to demonstrate compliance with structural requirements by means of calculations or tests.

How we work
We evaluate the type of calculations or tests needed depending on the products of our clients.

We provide a list of required information (e.g. main dimensions, structural drawings and used materials, laminate schedules, metal alloys or type of wood).

In-house software
For structural calculations, we use the following in-house software:

  • Hullscant software based on ISO 12215-5 developed by the Wolfson University in Southampton.
  • Lloyds Register SSC software.
  • Multiframe beam Finite Element software.

We report calculation results in a way that allows the notified body to perform an efficient inspection. In most cases, inspection bureaus assess our technical documentation without comment or the need for further calculations.

It is our aim to support the yacht building industry in an efficient way, while always keeping quality in mind.

Please contact us to discuss our structural design services in further detail.

For Multihull Global Load calculations, please follow this link.